Preparing Your Pooch for Fireworks

Jack Russell and Fireworks

The Fourth of July can be one of my busiest times of the year for lost animals. It’s that one day of the year ranking number 1 in dogs going missing. Exploding fireworks can send even the calmest animal into an emotional frenzy. Here are 5 tips to help keep your pooch safe this year.
Jack Russell and Fireworks
Fireworks: Oh no. Not again!

Every year dogs dig out of their backyards, break through screen doors, jump through windows, and put holes in walls because they’re so scared.

Be prepared with a few tips to help your dog’s stress level this July 4th weekend.

  • Keep your dog securely at home. Double check potential exits out of the house and backyard that a desperate pup might find and crash through.
  • Work it on out. Make sure your dog has extra exercise time all weekend long. A tired dog is less likely to react to blasts outside.
  • Filter out sounds as best you can. If your dog feels secure in a crate, think about covering it to dull the sounds. Close curtains to block out flashes of light and play calming music to drown out the deafening noise that hurts your dogs sensitive ears. Run machines that have a constant low hum to deaden the noise.
  • Try a calming product. Lavender oil on a dog’s ear flaps, calming chews, pheromone products, and anxiety jackets like Thundershirts are all worth a try.
  • Desensitization is always good for your dog. Play recordings of fireworks at low levels (for super sensitive ears) leading up to the Fourth while doing something fun with them or while giving them affection. Treats or chews would be good while the sounds are in the background for a food-motivated dog. Our aim is to associate the sounds with something positive.