Holistic Pet Care



Holistic Pet Care treats the mind, body and spirit of your animal friend and these veterinary professionals often welcome information from animal communicators with open arms. An animal communicator can help the animal understand that their human companions are enlisting the help of healers to make them feel better. We can also help on-site by letting health care professionals know when a particular physical therapy is helpful, or if too much pressure is being applied.

We are experts in reading the emotional state of your animal friends, shifting into their points of view and reporting those feelings. An informed animal is a whole different kind of companion.


“In anticipation of National Holistic Pet Day on August 30, 2021, we wanted to learn more about innovative approaches to veterinary care. With that in mind, the team at VetTechColleges.com is highlighting a great Guide we published in honor of it. It’s titled What Is Holistic Pet Care? An Expert’s Guide On How To Care For Pet Naturally.  We have also published a number of comprehensive guides and interviews to help all students in their journey to gaining a degree:

Barry Franklin

Vet tech Colleges, Communications”